The Quiz on Plagiarism/Intellectual Thievery

  • Due Feb 18 at 11:59pm
  • Points 19
  • Questions 13
  • Time Limit 20 Minutes
  • Allowed Attempts 99



  • The following is a short quiz on some of the basics about Plagiarism, about the video on it and the content item defining and illustrating it. Remember! -- your quizzes in our course taken together equal about a quarter of your total grade. Put your best foot forward in this first week quiz. 
  • Read through the About Plagiarism and the Use of AI Content content items BEFORE taking this quiz.
  • Note all the info here about the number of questions and the time you have to answer them. 
  • You'll be able to take this quiz multiple times. Please learn from it.
Only registered, enrolled users can take graded quizzes