3.0 Overview
Electromagnetic Radiation, UV Energy and the Ozone Hole
Do you like being outside in the sun? While sunlight provides oudoor recreation opportunities (going to the beach!), energy to grow food, is needed for vitamin D production in humans, and maintains Earth's temperature at habitable levels, it also causes short-term sunburn, long-term skin damage and cancer. In this module, we'll look at beneficial and negative effects of sunlight, and how Earth's atmosphere naturally protects us from the most harmful components of solar radiation. In this module, you will:
- Watch lecture videos and complete assignments
- Attend review session and complete assignments
- Attend labs and complete assignments
- Post to a Discussion
Additional Material and Extra Credit
- Download Chapter 3 slides (pdf file) Download Chapter 3 slides (pdf file)
- Download Chapter 4 slides (pdf file) Download Chapter 4 slides (pdf file)
- Extra Credit assignment - Polyatomic Ions, Metal Cations, Chemical Names
- Extra Credit Assignment - Chemical Formulas and Chemical Names
- Lecture recordings
Here are tips to help you keep track of your work:
- In the Chem 9 Homepage, all assignments for the current week are listed. As you complete them, check off items from the "To Do" list.
- Assignments: complete and submit "Upcoming Assignments"; "Overdue Assignments" are still open and can be submitted, but an automatic late penalty will be applied; "Past Assignments" are closed and cannot be submitted.
- Use Calendar to check all SMC courses with Canvas assignments and/or quizzes
- In Grades, each assignment has Status (e.g. Missing), and after grading: Score, Comments and Rubric Results