0.2 Graded Coursework
Be sure to select each tab to review all available content
Lecture Assignments
Watch lecture videos and complete embedded assessments in Canvas
Unlimited attempts allowed before due date, only the highest score is recorded
8 points each
Worksheets Assignments
Watch lecture recording or attend online meeting to review lecture worksheets
The problems in the worksheets assignments are either same or similar to those completed in lecture worksheets
Complete and submit worksheets assignment answers in Canvas
One attempt/submission by due date
5 points each
Graded Assignments
Additional assignments e.g. Story of Stuff
Complete and submit in Canvas
2-5 points each
Prelab Assignments
Read the lab procedure to answer questions
Submit answers in Canvas
Unlimited attempts allowed before due date, only the highest score is recorded
2 points each
Read Lab Procedure before lab; bring to lab
Bring Lab Report to complete during lab
During lab: collect data, make observations and complete Lab Report
Submit completed lab report in Canvas
8 points each
Weekly post in Canvas discussion board Watch assigned video to answer prompts for discussion post 5 points each
Late Work Policy
To best help you achieve success in Chem 9, try your best to keep track for due dates and meet deadlines. If life events interrupt your work in this class, please contact me as soon as possible so I can provide as much support as possible. Assignments turned in late detract from your ability to keep up with the course, and slow down your overall learning.
Assignments can be submitted early. If you submit an assignment before the due date/time, you can re-submit or edit before the due date/time.
Late assignments will be accepted. However, the following percentage-based deductions will be applied.
1 day late = 20% deduction of points
2 days late = 40% deduction of points
3 days late = 60% deduction of points
4 days late = 80% deduction of points
more than 5 days late = 0 points for the assignment
Assignments submitted after the due date/time have deductions to the score, by 20% each day.
Assignments remain open after the due date/time, though no points accrued if submitted more than five days late.
These policies are designed to protect students who work hard to meet scheduled deadlines.
Scheduled Exams
Two lab quizzes
- Each quiz will covering 1-2 months of lab material
- Open notes - Chem 9 course materials (lab experiments and worksheets packs)
- Lab quiz given during scheduled lecture session on campus
- 50 points each lab quiz
Four lecture quizzes
- Each quiz will cover material from approximately 2-4 modules
- Open notes - Chem 9 course materials (lab experiments and worksheets packs)
- Lecture quiz given during scheduled lecture session on campus
- 35 points each lecture quiz
- Midterm will cover material from the first half of the semester
- Open notes - use your Chem 9 course materials (lab experiments and worksheets packs)
- Midterm given during scheduled lecture session, on campus
- 100 points
Final Exam
- Final exam will contain material from the second half of the semester
- Open notes - use your Chem 9 course materials (lab experiments and worksheets packs)
- Final given during scheduled final exam time, on campus
- 100 points
Finding Grades
The Grades link in the course navigation menu is where you can see your current scores, check your submission status on assignments, and view feedback, comments and grading rubric. After an assignment has been turned in, graded, and scores posted, you can access your results (and see questions and answers you attempted).
- Worksheets assignments are graded and posted within 24 hours
- Discussion posts are graded and posted by Sunday
- Lecture assignments are auto-graded, with unlimited attempts before due date/time; final score posted within 24 hours
- Prelab assignments are auto-graded, with unlimited attempts before lab section; final score posted by end of lab section day
- Lab reports are due Sunday, then graded and posted by Tuesday
- Additional graded assignments are due Sunday, then graded and posted by Monday
Viewing Annotations, Comments, and Rubrics
- After the scores are posted, you can review your submitted work, with corrections, and comments
- Hand-written annotations or typed comments from me are provided for lab reports
- Discussion posts, worksheets assignments and lecture assignments usually include typed comments and feedback.
If you have received any typed comments, you will see a comment icon to the right of your assignment.
Comments can also be viewed from an assignment or Submission Details page.
Written comments (annotations) are included for most lab reports. To see the comments, use the "View Feedback" button.
"What if" Grades
You can also use the Grades page to test how your final course grade will change if you earn a certain score on a future assignment. These are called ‘what if ‘grades"Instructional GIFs from Canvas" is licensed under CC BY 4.0
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