2.0 Overview
Air Pollutants, Air Quality and Chemical Nomenclature
After learning more about your smartphone/portable electronic device that you may took for granted, we'll be getting into another very important part of your life - the air that you breathe. Like smartphones, we often take it for granted. Our atmosphere is a shared resource, amongst all 7 billion humans on the planet. Are there ways we can prevent or limit pollution of our shared air/atmosphere? We will also be writing chemical formulas and chemical Names. In this module, you will
- Watch lecture videos and complete assignments
- Take Lecture Quiz #1
- Attend lab and complete assignments
- Post to a Discussion
Additional Material and Extra Credit
- Download Chapter 2 slides (pdf file) Download Chapter 2 slides (pdf file)
- Prepare for Lecture Quiz #1 using Practice Quiz #1
- Extra Credit assignment - Organizing Atoms and Electrons - due before Lecture Quiz #1
- Lecture recordings
Here are tips to help you keep track of your work:
- In the Chem 9 Homepage, all assignments for the current week are listed. As you complete them, check off items from the "To Do" list.
- Assignments: complete and submit "Upcoming Assignments"; "Overdue Assignments" are still open and can be submitted, but an automatic late penalty will be applied; "Past Assignments" are closed and cannot be submitted.
- Use Calendar to check all SMC courses with Canvas assignments and/or quizzes
- In Grades, each assignment has Status (e.g. Missing), and after grading: Score, Comments and Rubric Results