Review Session - Chemical Names And Chemical Formulas

To-Do Date: Mar 14 at 9:30am

Nomenclature - expand your mind!We'll be reviewing ions (monoatomic and polyatomic), ion charges, ionic compounds (writing chemical formulas and chemical names), covalent compounds (writing chemical formulas and chemical names).  

Use lecture worksheets pack or print worksheets: 2.2 lecture worksheets Download 2.2 lecture worksheets and 2.3 lecture worksheets Download 2.3 lecture worksheets

Students have several chances to pick up extra credit points while also reviewing the material.

Due by 11:59 pm. I'll be going over all of the questions and all of the answers during the review session. Worth up to 4 extra credit points

I'll be going over all of these also during the review session. Due by 11:59 pm. Worth up to 5 extra credit points.

  • There will also be an extra credit Kahoot at the end of the review session. Worth 1 extra credit point.