Review Session - Chemical Names And Chemical Formulas
To-Do Date: Mar 14 at 9:30amWe'll be reviewing ions (monoatomic and polyatomic), ion charges, ionic compounds (writing chemical formulas and chemical names), covalent compounds (writing chemical formulas and chemical names).
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Students have several chances to pick up extra credit points while also reviewing the material.
- Complete Extra Credit - Polyatomic Ions, Metal Cations, Chemical Names
Due by 11:59 pm. I'll be going over all of the questions and all of the answers during the review session. Worth up to 4 extra credit points
- Complete Extra Credit - Chemical Formulas and Chemical Names
I'll be going over all of these also during the review session. Due by 11:59 pm. Worth up to 5 extra credit points.
- There will also be an extra credit Kahoot at the end of the review session. Worth 1 extra credit point.